The RSI Team
ROAD SAFETY INTERNATIONAL offers a select team of road safety engineers, road safety auditors, traffic engineers, trainers and presenters; specialists in all aspects of road safety engineering.
RSI associates have worked in more than 40 countries, on small, medium and large‐scale projects.
Phillip Jordan - Principal Road Safety Engineer and International Engineering Consultant
David Nash - International Road Safety Engineer
Phillip Jordan - Road Safety International Founder Click to view CV
Phillip Jordan is the founder of Road Safety International Pty Ltd. After a distinguished technical career of 32 years in VicRoads (the road authority for the State of Victoria, Australia) Phillip has been a successful consultant since 2005.
With experience in 48 countries including most countries in Central, South and SE Asia, Phillip is widely recognised for his ability to lead stimulating road safety engineering workshops, for his work in preparing manuals on a wide variety of road safety engineering topics and for his consulting work advising governments on road safety engineering.
As a pioneer in the road safety audit field, Phillip has assisted government agencies, universities and other road authorities with the implementation of the road safety audit process. He has wide experience in blackspot investigations and the development of low-cost countermeasures. Phillip is the Principal Consultant and Managing Director of RSI, and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and a Master of Engineering Science (Transportation) degree.